Oracle Data Integrator Technical Brief
Oracle Data Integrator is built on several components all working together around a centralized metadata repository. These components—graphical modules, runtime components, and a Web interface—in conjunction with other advanced features, make Oracle Data Integrator a lightweight, legacy-free, state-of-the-art integration platform. This technical brief describes the Oracle Data Integrator architecture in detailARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW
The Oracle Data Integrator architecture is organized around a modular repository,
which is accessed in client-server mode by components—graphical modules and
execution agents—that are written entirely in Java. The architecture also includes a Web application, Metadata Navigator, that enables users to access information through a Web interface.
The four graphical modules are Designer, Operator, Topology Manager, and Security Manager. These modules can be installed on any graphical platform that supports Java Virtual Machine 1.5 (J2SE), including Windows, Linux, HP-UX, Solaris, AIX, and Mac OS, among others.
- Designer defines declarative rules for data transformation and data integrity. All project development takes place in this module; this is where database and application metadata are imported and defined. The Designer module uses metadata and rules to generate scenarios for production. This is the core module for developers and metadata administrators.
- Operator manages and monitors production. It is designed for production operators and shows execution logs with error counts, the number of rows processed, execution statistics, the actual code that is executed, and so on. At design time, developers can also use the Operator module for debugging purposes.
- Topology Manager defines the physical and logical architecture of the infrastructure. Servers, schemas, and agents are registered in the master repository through this module, generally by the administrators of the infrastructure or project.
- Security Manager manages user profiles and their access privileges. Security Manager can also assign access privileges to objects and features. This module is generally used by security administrators.
All modules store their information in the centralized repository.
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